The Looking Glass: What Incentives Good Work?
Humbling stories, market dynamics, right playbooks at the wrong times, and other threads.
Dear friends,
The month slipped away from me like red leaves from trees. It’s been an eventful one! I have stared into the dark recesses of a Twitter mob and lived to tell the tale. I have celebrated 2000+ Amazon reviews on my book. I have participated in an Angry Birds Halloween skit (what? That was big 10 years ago? Tell that to my kids.) I hope you’re making nice with cozy knit blankets this autumnal season.
The theme of the past few weeks in these threads? What incentivizes good work?
Our superpower for cognitive dissonance.
Some examples of the contradictions that race through our minds daily.
The Right Playbook at the Wrong Time is still Wrong
4 steps to avoiding the pitfalls of misapplying “playbooks.”
Everyone, no matter how high they’ve climbed, has humbling stories to share
Why don’t we all tell ours?
Market Dynamics and Careers
And why I really really admire video game designers.
3 Ingredients for Creative Work (and how to get them)
Note: there are no mention of muses or candles in this thread.